Saturday, November 28, 2009

It has been very different for the last two weeks. My mother came from Japan and we went to Peru. Then
my family, my mother and I went to New York City. The short time changed the way I see some of the people around me. Whatever happens, there are reasons. I take it.
We went to dinner tonight. My wife does not enjoy going out. Knowing that I hate to go out. My mother wanted to take us out. So we did. Tomorrow is her last day here. On Monday she will go back to Japan. I am afraid she will not come back to US again. This is the last time. She kept saying that for the last few years. But I really think this is the last time. She came here only because she wanted to go to Machu Picchu and the tour form Japan refused to let her go in Atlanta. I felt strange to have her in this country and do not see her. I should have let her join the tour. I found out she becomes confused very easily. Losing her passport at Dulles was the only start. Similar problems kept happening in Peru.The trip pushed me way beyond my limit. My friend told me to have a new relationship with my parents.
My mother kept asking me if I would come to Japan in January. I do not think I will. I made two visits to Japan every year for the last few years hoping to help my parents. My parents refused my help. Nothing changed. They do everything in their way. Not much point for me to go there, I realized.
I do not have any plan for my mother tomorrow. Then I will take her to Dulles on Monday. My responsibility will end there. Although these two weeks has left a bad taste in my mouth, nothing seriously wrong has happened. Or maybe it did inside me. At the end, things were just different for the last two weeks. Just different. I will go back to my normal life after Monday.

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